19" System Test Emulators
With the increasing heat generated from the latest server technology it has become imperative to estimate the environmental and power demand before either Data Centres are built or equipment installed in existing Data Centres.
Variable power settings 1.0KW, 2.0KW, 3.0KW & 4.0KW
Temperature sensors and displays for air entry and exit temperatures.
Rear sensor includes a 300mm lead for positioning within the cabinet.
(sensor accuracy +/- 5%)
Temperature safety cut-outs on heaters
Variable airflow - please contact office for data
Dimensions: 6U x 700 deep
Power Supply: Dual 230V 10amp IEC C14 sockets - adapters on request

Adapters to IEC C14 to IEC C13/C20 UK 3 pin etc can be supplied
Data loggers can be supplied for continuous temperature recording within and outside the cabinets.
Front panels and fixings to fill the gaps